Additional information:An agent receives it upon completing the final mission (using ship’s holoterminal) during “Destroy the Enemy” mission.It’s possible other class’s can get codex if they enter with agent . We would like to thank to ekillez and Yunikorn for additional informations. Original Game Codex TextCategory: Infiltration / Threat Elimination Location: Balmorra Date: Classified Primary: Cipher Nine Secondary: Station Chief Lekern Renald, Sanju PyneOperational Summary: Planet Balmorra hosted anti-Imperial terrorist cell–part of the Eagle’s network. Cell specialized in recruitment and training of terrorist assets; assets would gain experience as part of Balmorra’s resistance before being sent to support cells elsewhere in the galaxy.By infiltrating the local cell, Cipher Nine successfully neutralized the terrorist leader Gray Star (see details for method and suggested follow-up). Cost of infiltration was within acceptable range.Cross-reference: Gray Star, Zenith, Eagle, Dominator, Lachris |
![]() key facts
Faction: Empire Class: Imperial Agent Level: 16 Planet: Balmorra advertisement |
Operation: Blackout (Agent) |
Hmm even if i am an agent i don’t get this one anyone know what you have to do to get it?
the codex is found on a console, located in the instanced agent area in the arms factory during Destroy the Enemy quest, it’s possible other class’s can get codex if they enter with agent seem to remember my inquis friend getting it too
That’s wired… when I get this lore at this place… it’s called “The Invasion of Balmorra”. oO I’m not kidding.
Weird … not wired 😀 sry
This is not a codex that can be “found”.
An agent receives it upon completing the final mission (using ship’s holoterminal) of the “Destroy the Enemy” quest line.
Confirmed. Received at end of the full class story. Return to your ship and use the holoterminal. Codex awarded at end of converstation, completion of mission “Destroy the Enemy”.