Maximum Security Section

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X: -1340, Y: -68

Original Game Codex Text

The Maximum Security Section hosts prisoners too dangerous, too uncooperative or too unusual to be permitted to gather in any number. Many Maximum Security inmates are kept in near-permanent solitary confinement, and the Maximum Security cells are customized for each occupant so that shapechangers, cyborgs, Force-sensitives and other powerful beings can be effectively restrained.The Maximum Security Section also contains the entrance to the deep levels of the prison–known as “the Tomb”–built by ancient aliens who used Belsavis as their own prison long ago. The Republic has explored only portions of the deep prison, studying the primeval droids that patrol the old, sealed cells. Nowadays, the ancient droids have grown used to the Republic, willingly accepting modern prisoners transferred into their care and depositing them in vaults far below the surface.

key facts
Level: 42
Planet: Belsavis