Coordinates:X: 648, Y: -107Datacron Location GuideThis Codex is gained when you find the Presence +2 datacron on Hutta. Full guide on how to get this datacron with screenshots can be found if you click here.Additional information:You get this Codex entry when you find and activate the +2 Presence datacron on Hutta. Complete guide with screenshots of this datacron’s location can be found here.Original Game Codex TextThis datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:In the period after the mysterious Architects vanished from the galaxy millennia ago, several great civilizations rose in their place. The intellectual Columi species created a vast but peaceful empire, focusing on academic pursuits while droids and elaborate machines labored for them. As a result, the Columi evolved enormous craniums and tiny bodies.The strange, reptilian Kwa, who achieved interstellar travel through Infinity Gates that allowed them to effectively teleport between worlds, rose and mysteriously fell, eventually devolving into simple lizards. The cephalopod Gree also reached their apex in this time, creating technological marvels that have rarely been equaled. Eventually, on the backs of these civilizations would come the Rakata and their Infinite Empire. |
key facts
Faction: Empire Level: 10 Planet: Hutta advertisement |
Galactic History 02: Ancient Civilizations |
Found at: X645 Y-103
Get on the little island by going over the pipe