Duke Corwin “The Durasteel Duke” (Bounty Hunter)

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Original Game Codex Text

The nobleman dubbed “The Durasteel Duke” is both a celebrity and local legend, a charismatic and fearless leader and politician who has never once backed down in the face of threats or intimidation or refused to meet a rival face-to-face. Many a schemer has attempted to take advantage of the duke’s brash and audacious nature to lure him into a trap, only to find himself staring dumbfounded and slack-jawed at the duke’s unperturbed and unmolested person upon their next meeting.It is said that the duke’s invincibility is so assured that he has never had to raise a hand against another living being–a claim supported by his famous refusal of a pistol during an honor duel. By all accounts, the duke’s aggrieved opponent chose to turn the weapon upon himself rather than face the duke’s unrelenting gaze.

key facts
Faction: Empire
Class: Bounty Hunter
Level: 28
Planet: Alderaan