Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
First, the Exchange’s wide-area signal jammer needs to be shut down. In order to do that, you’ll need to acquire data spikes from Exchange weapons specialists in the Southern Jundland Chasm.
Starting at:
Specialist Zahn
- Recover the Data Spikes (0/4)
Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
First, the Exchange’s wide-area signal jammer needs to be shut down. In order to do that, you’ll need to acquire data spikes from Exchange weapons specialists in the Southern Jundland Chasm.More …)
- Sabotage the Exchange’s Jamming Console
Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
You’ve recovered the data spikes; now use them to shut down the Exchange’s wide-area signal jammer in the Southern Jundland Chasm.More …)
- Tag the Comm Relay for Orbital Strike
Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
You’ve used the data spikes and sabotaged the Exchange’s signal jammer. Now use your orbital strike designator near the Exchange’s communications relay to target the relay.More …)
- Get to a Safe Distance
Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
You’ve sabotaged the Exchange’s signal jammer and called in the orbital strike. Now get a safe distance away before the strike hits!More …)
- Speak to Specialist Zahn
Specialist Zahn wants you to help him test a new orbital strike weapon for the Empire.
You’ve successfully marked the Exchange’s communications relay for orbital stirke. Return to Specialist Zahn in the Southern Jundland Chasm.More …)