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Super Reactor

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Master Cin Tykan’s illness has driven him completely insane. He has kidnapped his Padawan, Aris Vauranelle, and is planning to attack an old super reactor. A meltdown could destroy everyone in the Republic reclamation zone and cause horrific damage to Taris.

You must find and confront Master Cin Tykan at the super reactor in the Tularan Marsh.

  1. Search for Master Cin Tykan
    ( More …)
  2. Confront Master Cin Tykan
    ( More …)

Option :1 Chose to persuade Aris

  1. Defeat Master Cin Tykan
    ( More…)
  2. Talk to Master Cin Tykan
    ( More…)
  3. Option :1 B1: Chose to shield Cin Tykan
    1. Talk to Captain Nelex
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Merge B/C: Captain Nelex
      1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
        ( More…)
    Option :2 B2: Chose to kill Cin Tykan
    1. Talk to Captain Nelex
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Merge B/C: Captain Nelex
      1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
        ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to fight Aris

  1. Defeat Master Cin Tykan
    ( More…)
  2. Defeat Aris Vauranelle
    ( )
  3. Talk to Master Cin Tykan
    ( More…)
  4. Option :1 B1: Chose to shield Cin Tykan
    1. Talk to Captain Nelex
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Merge B/C: Captain Nelex
      1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
        ( More…)
    Option :2 B2: Chose to kill Cin Tykan
    1. Talk to Captain Nelex
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Merge B/C: Captain Nelex
      1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
        ( More…)
key facts
Level: 19
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Jedi Consular, Class, Taris
Planet: Taris
Experience Points: +3630
Light Side Points: 150
Dark Side Points: 150


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