Use your ship’s galaxy map to travel to Voss.
- Travel to Voss
Use your ship’s galaxy map to travel to Voss.More …)
- Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
You have come to Voss by order of the Emperor’s Hand, as you try to stop Darth Baras from establishing himself as the Emperor’s Voice.
Speak to Servant One on your ship’s holoterminal for information concerning your mission.More …)
- Light the South Signal Pyre
You have come to Voss by order of the Emperor’s Hand to rescue the Voice of the Emperor. Servant One directed you to seek the reclusive Mystic Madaga-Ru. In the Old Paths, light the signal pyres in order to request an audience with Madaga-Ru.More …)
- Light the North Signal Pyre
You have come to Voss by order of the Emperor’s Hand to rescue the Voice of the Emperor. Servant One directed you to seek the reclusive Mystic Madaga-Ru. In the Old Paths, light the signal pyres in order to request an audience with Madaga-Ru.More …)
- Light the East Signal Pyre
You have come to Voss by order of the Emperor’s Hand to rescue the Voice of the Emperor. Servant One directed you to seek the reclusive Mystic Madaga-Ru. In the Old Paths, light the signal pyres in order to request an audience with Madaga-Ru.More …)
- Speak to Madaga-Ru
You have come to Voss by order of the Emperor’s Hand to rescue the Voice of the Emperor. Servant One directed you to seek the reclusive Mystic Madaga-Ru. Having lit the signal pyres, speak to Madaga-Ru in Madaga-Ru’s cave in the Old Paths.More …)