Level: Required Level:

Pirrell’s Ambitions

Browse Database Quest List
Crysta Markon has given you your target for the Great Hunt on Balmorra: Admiral Ivernus. Your task is to find a way to lure the admiral down to the planet’s surface from his flagship in orbit.

Mako discovered that an Imperial lieutenant major named Pirrell has need of a bounty hunter with some discretion and may provide you with a solid lead. Exit your spaceport hanger and head towards Imperial headquarters in Sobrik and find Lieutenant Major Pirrell.

  1. Exit Your Ship Hanger
    ( More …)
  2. Speak to Vorr
    ( More …)
  3. Speak to Vorr
    ( More …)

Option :1 Chose to negotiate with Vorr

  1. Report to Lieutenant Major Pirrell’s Office
    ( More…)
  2. Option :1 Merge A: Event – Speak with ODX-9
    1. Speak to ODX-9
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to ODX-9
      ( More…)
    3. Speak to Lieutenant Major Pirrell
      ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to fight with Vorr

  1. Defeat Vorr
    ( More…)
  2. Defeat Vye
    ( )
  3. Report to Lieutenant Major Pirrell’s Office
    ( More…)
  4. Option :1 Merge A: Event – Speak with ODX-9
    1. Speak to ODX-9
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to ODX-9
      ( More…)
    3. Speak to Lieutenant Major Pirrell
      ( More…)
key facts
Level: 15
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Bounty Hunter, Balmorra, Class
Planet: Balmorra
Experience Points: +2715
Light Side Points: 100
Dark Side Points: 150


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