Level: Required Level:

Mannett Point

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Havoc Squad’s hunt for the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb has led to a separatist base on the island of Mannett Point. Wraith, the squad’s infiltration expert, has been sent ahead to breach the facility, but she will need your help to enter the secured area where the bomb is believed to be held.

Rendezvous with Wraith inside the separatist base at Mannett Point.

  1. Speak to Wraith
    ( More …)
  2. Speak to Wraith
    ( More …)
  3. Disable the Force Field Generator
    ( More …)
  4. Speak to Jex
    ( More …)

Option :1 Chose to spare the wounded separatists

    Option :1 Dealt with the wounded separatists
    1. Disable the Force Field Generator
      ( More…)
    2. Locate the ZR-57
      ( More…)
    3. Speak to Separatist Officer Dalern
      ( More…)
    4. Locate the Separatist Commanders
      ( More…)
    5. Talk to Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    6. Defeat Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    7. Defeat Separatist Commander Saphrro
      ( )
    8. Defeat Separatist Commander Vyru
      ( )
    9. Download the Data (0/1)
      ( More…)
    10. Return to the Republic Command Center
      ( More…)
    11. Speak to Needles
      ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to extort the wounded separatists

    Option :1 Dealt with the wounded separatists
    1. Disable the Force Field Generator
      ( More…)
    2. Locate the ZR-57
      ( More…)
    3. Speak to Separatist Officer Dalern
      ( More…)
    4. Locate the Separatist Commanders
      ( More…)
    5. Talk to Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    6. Defeat Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    7. Defeat Separatist Commander Saphrro
      ( )
    8. Defeat Separatist Commander Vyru
      ( )
    9. Download the Data (0/1)
      ( More…)
    10. Return to the Republic Command Center
      ( More…)
    11. Speak to Needles
      ( More…)

Option :3 Chose to kill the wounded separatists

    Option :1 Dealt with the wounded separatists
    1. Disable the Force Field Generator
      ( More…)
    2. Locate the ZR-57
      ( More…)
    3. Speak to Separatist Officer Dalern
      ( More…)
    4. Locate the Separatist Commanders
      ( More…)
    5. Talk to Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    6. Defeat Separatist Commander Bol
      ( More…)
    7. Defeat Separatist Commander Saphrro
      ( )
    8. Defeat Separatist Commander Vyru
      ( )
    9. Download the Data (0/1)
      ( More…)
    10. Return to the Republic Command Center
      ( More…)
    11. Speak to Needles
      ( More…)
key facts
Level: 4
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Trooper, Ord Mantell, Class
Planet: Ord Mantell
Ending NPC: Needles
Drop Monsters:
    Drop Items:
    • Separatist Data
    • Separatist Data
    • Separatist Data
    Experience Points: +855
    Light Side Points: 250
    Dark Side Points: 350
    Items: HTML :


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