Master Silvarte and Master Yollo believe their Padawans, Moracen and Spanios, are involved in a romantic relationship. Such passions could lead them to forsake their training and lead to the dark side.
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo have asked you to confront Moracen and Spanios and discover the truth of their relationship. Travel to the ruins of Kaleth and speak with Moracen and Spanios.
Starting at:
Master Silvarte
- Speak to Moracen
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo believe their Padawans, Moracen and Spanios, are involved in a romantic relationship. Such passions could lead them to forsake their training and lead to the dark side.
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo have asked you to confront Moracen and Spanios and discover the truth of their relationship. Travel to the ruins of Kaleth and speak with Moracen and Spanios.More …)
- Return to Master Silvarte
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo believe their Padawans, Moracen and Spanios, are involved in a romantic relationship. Such passions could lead them to forsake their training and lead to the dark side. Master Silvarte and Master Yollo asked you to confront Moracen and Spanios and discover the truth of their relationship.
When you spoke with Moracen and Spanios, they admitted their love for each other but begged you not to inform their Masters. They offered you a rare lightsaber crystal if you kept their secret. You refused their bribe. Return to Masters Silvarte and Yollo at the Jedi Temple and inform them of their Padawans’ relationship.More …)
I chose to protect lovers
Option :1 Chose to expose lovers
- Return to Master Silvarte
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo believe their Padawans, Moracen and Spanios, are involved in a romantic relationship. Such passions could lead them to forsake their training and lead to the dark side. Master Silvarte and Master Yollo asked you to confront Moracen and Spanios and discover the truth of their relationship.
When you spoke with Moracen and Spanios, they admitted their love for each other but begged you not to inform their Masters. They offered you a rare lightsaber crystal if you kept their secret. You refused their bribe. Return to Masters Silvarte and Yollo at the Jedi Temple and inform them of their Padawans’ relationship. More…)
Option :2 Chose to protect lovers
- Return to Moracen
Master Silvarte and Master Yollo believe their Padawans, Moracen and Spanios, are involved in a romantic relationship. Such passions could lead them to forsake their training and lead to the dark side. Master Silvarte and Master Yollo have asked you to confront Moracen and Spanios and discover the truth of their relationship.
When you spoke with Moracen and Spanios, they admitted their love for each other but begged you not to inform their Masters. They offered you a rare lightsaber crystal if you kept their secret. You accepted the bribe and lied to Master Silvarte and Master Yollo, who were relieved to hear it. Return to Moracen and Spanios in the lower ruins of Kaleth and claim your lightsaber crystal. More…)
Option :1 Chose to take crystal
Option :2 Chose to refuse crystal
Additional Information
- If you chose to refuse crystal you will give them another choice to end their relation ship. If you choose this option Spanios will end their love.
But what is the crystal? Is it tempting at all to take it?
the crystal is an Orange +3 Endurance, not great but for early game an ok reward
So not worth it then, esp. if you have +41Endurance crystals unlocked in Collections