While wandering the area to the north of Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.
He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.
- Attract and Defeat the First Gormak Ambushers
While wandering the area to the north of Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.
He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense. You have taken Sathra-Kan’s signal beacon and approached the site of the first ambush along the road to the Shrine of Healing. You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim on the side of the road. As you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone. A moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers.
Defeat the Gormak at the first ambush site.More …)
- Attract and Defeat the Second Gormak Ambushers
While wandering the area to the north of Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.
He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense. You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim under a bridge along the trail to the Shrine of Healing. As before, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and a moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers. Time to demonstrate the meaning of “aggression is victory.”
Defeat the Gormak at the second ambush site.More …)
- Attract and Defeat the Last Gormak Ambushers
While wandering the area to the north of Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.
He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense. The dead body of a Voss pilgrim lies before you, another victim of a Gormak ambush. Again, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and you are soon rushed by a group of Gormak, this time being led by a commanding officer of some sort.
Defeat the Gormak at the third ambush site.More …)
- Speak to Velan-Raz
While wandering the area to the north of Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.
He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense. You have completed the task that Sathra-Kan requested of you: to inspect the sites of three Gormak ambushes and eliminate any threats posed by the Gormaks there. The Voss should now be safe to make their pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing, which you can see in the distance not far away.
It is time to report your findings to Sathra-Kan’s commanding officer. Speak to Velan-Raz at the Shrine of Healing.More …)
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