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Laying the Trap

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The powerful Darth Thanaton has made it clear he wants you dead. You’ve learned a ritual that will allow you to defend yourself against him, but you must steal the power of Sith apparitions to use it. The apparition on Taris is guarded by Jedi. Elios Maliss has suggested that you may be able to corrupt one of their Padawans, Ashara Zavros, into taking you to the ghost, who is also her ancient ancestor.

You decided to take advantage of Ashara’s pride by offering her a powerful Sith holocron. Retrieve the Sith holocron from the transport station.

  1. Recover the Sith Holocron
    ( More …)
  2. Use Your Personal Holocom
    ( More …)

Option :1 Chose to use the holocron

  1. Loot a Republic Holocom
    ( More…)
  2. Option :1 Locate Republic Troopers with Holocommunicator
    1. Loot a Republic Holocom (0/1)
      ( More…)
    2. Use Your Personal Holocom
      ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to send assassins

  1. Speak with Lord Anathemos
    ( More…)
    It’s a trap. NO it isn’t.
  2. Use Your Personal Holocom
    ( More…)
  3. Loot a Republic Holocom
    ( More…)
  4. Option :1 Locate Republic Troopers with Holocommunicator
    1. Loot a Republic Holocom (0/1)
      ( More…)
    2. Use Your Personal Holocom
      ( More…)
key facts
Level: 33
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Sith Inquisitor, Class, Imperial, Taris, Taris Imperial
Planet: Taris
Drop Monsters:
  • Republic Armsmaster
  • Republic Armsmaster
Drop Items:
  • Republic Holocommunicator
  • Republic Holocommunicator
Experience Points: +7005


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