The Eagle’s terrorist network is recruiting, training and arming new members on Balmorra. Your mission is to infiltrate this operation with the help of a mole, Sanju Pyne, and eliminate the terror cell leader, Gray Star.
To gain the trust of the terrorists, you agreed to recover data from the old terrorist training camp’s computers inside Talon’s Reach on the Gorinth Plateau. Attach a transmitter to the main computer terminal to upload the data.
- Install the Transmitter
The Eagle’s terrorist network is recruiting, training and arming new members on Balmorra. Your mission is to infiltrate this operation with the help of a mole, Sanju Pyne, and eliminate the terror cell leader, Gray Star.
To gain the trust of the terrorists, you agreed to recover data from the old terrorist training camp’s computers inside Talon’s Reach on the Gorinth Plateau. Attach a transmitter to the main computer terminal to upload the data.More …)
- Transmit the Data
The Eagle’s terrorist network is recruiting, training and arming new members on Balmorra. Your mission is to infiltrate this operation with the help of a mole, Sanju Pyne, and eliminate the terror cell leader, Gray Star.
To gain the trust of the terrorists, you agreed to recover data from an old terrorist training camp. You’ve set up the satellite uplink; now transmit the data from the console in the training outpost.More …)
Option :1 Chose to warn the collaborators
- Return to Chemish Or
The Eagle’s terrorist network is recruiting, training and arming new members on Balmorra. Your mission is to infiltrate this operation with the help of a mole, Sanju Pyne, and eliminate the terror cell leader, Gray Star.
To gain the trust of the terrorists, you recovered data from an old terrorist training camp. Report back to the cell’s second-in-command, Chemish Or, at the Troida Military Workshop in Gorinth Canyon. More…)
Option :2 Chose to let the collaborators die
- Return to Chemish Or
The Eagle’s terrorist network is recruiting, training and arming new members on Balmorra. Your mission is to infiltrate this operation with the help of a mole, Sanju Pyne, and eliminate the terror cell leader, Gray Star.
To gain the trust of the terrorists, you recovered data from an old terrorist training camp. Report back to the cell’s second-in-command, Chemish Or, at the Troida Military Workshop in Gorinth Canyon. More…)