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In the Halls of Elysium

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You’ve landed on Alderaan in search of a piece of Tulak Hord’s lost artifact, only to find that the key to the artifact’s hidden location is in the hands of a powerful Jedi from House Organa. With the Organa key in hand, you can now recover the artifact from the Elysium.

House Thul has set up a personal shuttle for you. Take the shuttle to the Elysium in the Glarus Valley.

  1. Take Personal Shuttle to the Elysium
    ( More …)
  2. Deactivate the Organa Vault’s Force Field
    ( More …)

Option :1 Player Didn’t Kill Nomar Organa Earlier

  1. Defeat Nomar Organa and his Padawans
  2. Take the Artifact
    ( More…)
  3. Option :1 Player Didn’t Assault Jedi Enclave
    1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to Colonel Nyzes
      ( More…)
    3. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
    Option :2 Player Assaulted Jedi Enclave AND Forced/Killed Rehanna Rist
    1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)

Option :2 Player Killed Nomar Organa Earlier

  1. Destroy the Organa Vault Warden Droid
    ( More…)
  2. Take the Artifact
    ( More…)
  3. Option :1 Player Didn’t Assault Jedi Enclave
    1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to Colonel Nyzes
      ( More…)
    3. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
    Option :2 Player Assaulted Jedi Enclave AND Forced/Killed Rehanna Rist
    1. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
key facts
Level: 31
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Sith Inquisitor, Alderaan, Class
Planet: Alderaan
Experience Points: +6505


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