Ilum, an ice world on the fringes of the galaxy, has become the target of an Imperial raid. Led by Sith Lord Darth Arho, the Empire hopes to use the planet’s valuable Adegan crystals to develop a devastating stealth armada. Supreme Commander Rans of the Republic has recruited you to stop them.
- Disable Ships at Landing Strip Alpha
Ilum, an ice world on the fringes of the galaxy, has become the target of an Imperial raid. Led by Sith Lord Darth Arho, the Empire hopes to use the planet’s valuable Adegan crystals to develop a devastating stealth armada. Supreme Commander Rans of the Republic has recruited you to stop them. Despite the successful destruction of the deep miners, the defeat of Lord Loyat and the rescue of Supreme Commander Rans, the Empire is determined to see their plan through to the finish. Your unlikely ally Darth Malgus, a rival of Darth Arho, has informed you that Imperial ships have begun landing across Ilum in a desperate attempt to install their crystal-powered stealth technology before the Republic can wreak any more havoc. Using the ion grenades Samm Bradber gave you, sabotage the Empire’s ships at their landing strips across Ilum.More …)
- Disable Ships at Landing Strip Beta
( Ilum, an ice world on the fringes of the galaxy, has become the target of an Imperial raid. Led by Sith Lord Darth Arho, the Empire hopes to use the planet’s valuable Adegan crystals to develop a devastating stealth armada. Supreme Commander Rans of the Republic has recruited you to stop them. Despite the successful destruction of the deep miners, the defeat of Lord Loyat and the rescue of Supreme Commander Rans, the Empire is determined to see their plan through to the finish. Your unlikely ally Darth Malgus, a rival of Darth Arho, has informed you that Imperial ships have begun landing across Ilum in a desperate attempt to install their crystal-powered stealth technology before the Republic can wreak any more havoc. Using the ion grenades Samm Bradber gave you, sabotage the Empire’s ships at their landing strips across Ilum.)
- Report to Samm Bradber
Ilum, an ice world on the fringes of the galaxy, has become the target of an Imperial raid. Led by Sith Lord Darth Arho, the Empire hopes to use the planet’s valuable Adegan crystals to develop a devastating stealth armada. Supreme Commander Rans of the Republic has recruited you to stop them. Despite the successful destruction of the deep miners, the defeat of Lord Loyat and the rescue of Supreme Commander Rans, the Empire is determined to see their plan through to the finish. Your unlikely ally Darth Malgus, a rival of Darth Arho, has informed you that Imperial ships have begun landing across Ilum in a desperate attempt to install their crystal-powered stealth technology before the Republic can wreak any more havoc. You have successfully sabotaged the Empire’s ships, preventing them from installing the stealth technology. Report to Samm Bradber at the Republic waystation.More …)