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Giant Killer

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It’s time to execute Lord Zash’s plan to defeat Darth Skotia.

Take the Trandoshan relic and cyber neutralizer and confront Darth Skotia in his chambers in the Sith Sanctum.

  1. Enter Darth Skotia’s Chambers
    ( More …)
  2. Speak to Darth Skotia
    ( More …)

Option :1 Chose to command bodyguards to attack Darth Skotia

    Option :1 Go Fight Darth Skotia
    1. Defeat Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    3. Go to the Nexus Room Cantina
      ( More…)
    4. Speak to Lord Zash
      ( More…)
    5. Go to Darth Skotia’s Former Chambers
      ( More…)
    6. Speak to Lord Kirnon
      ( More…)
    7. Report to Lord Zash
      ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to command bodyguards to leave

    Option :1 Go Fight Darth Skotia
    1. Defeat Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    3. Go to the Nexus Room Cantina
      ( More…)
    4. Speak to Lord Zash
      ( More…)
    5. Go to Darth Skotia’s Former Chambers
      ( More…)
    6. Speak to Lord Kirnon
      ( More…)
    7. Report to Lord Zash
      ( More…)

Option :3 Chose to attack bodyguards

  1. Defeat Skarsk
    ( More…)
  2. Defeat Skeesk
    ( )
  3. Speak to Darth Skotia
    ( More…)
  4. Option :1 Go Fight Darth Skotia
    1. Defeat Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    2. Speak to Darth Skotia
      ( More…)
    3. Go to the Nexus Room Cantina
      ( More…)
    4. Speak to Lord Zash
      ( More…)
    5. Go to Darth Skotia’s Former Chambers
      ( More…)
    6. Speak to Lord Kirnon
      ( More…)
    7. Report to Lord Zash
      ( More…)
Ends at:

Darth Zash

Additional Information

  • You will get a follow-up email from Dorotsech, the guy that made the device that helped you kill Darth Skotia in the quest Dismantling The Machine with some extra credits for reward.
key facts
Level: 14
Difficulty: Hard
Category: Sith Inquisitor, Class, Dromund Kaas
Planet: Dromund Kaas
Starting NPC: Lord Zash
Ending NPC: Darth Zash
Experience Points: +3486
Light Side Points: 200
Dark Side Points: 100


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