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General Faraire

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Darth Baras has deployed you to Taris to eliminate the four generals who make up the Republic War Trust. With Lieutenant Pierce’s help, you have defeated three of the generals and learned of “Project Siantide,” the War Trust’s secret operation to develop an experimental power source. Now only General Faraire remains.

To plan your assault on General Faraire, rendezvous with Darth Baras inside the Crater Command Base on the border of the Republic Resettlement Zone.

  1. Go to the Crater Command Base
    ( More …)
  2. Talk to Darth Baras via Holoterminal
    ( More …)
  3. Infiltrate General Faraire’s Compound
    ( More …)
  4. Speak with Major Khourlet
    ( More …)

Option :1 Spoke to Khourlet – CONSCRIPTS FLED

  1. Defeat Major Khourlet
    ( More…)
  2. Defeat Khourlet’s Elite Guards
    ( )
  3. Open the Door into Faraire’s Base
    ( More…)
  4. Locate General Faraire
    ( More…)
  5. Option :1 EVENT – Locate General Faraire
    1. Locate General Faraire
      ( More…)
    2. Defeat Faraire’s Bodyguards
      ( More…)
    3. Talk to General Faraire
      ( More…)
    4. Destroy the Siantide Droids
      ( More…)
    5. Speak to General Faraire
      ( More…)
    6. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)

Option :2 Spoke to Khourlet – CONSCRIPTED STAYED

  1. Defeat Major Khourlet
    ( More…)
  2. Defeat Captain Grummalt
    ( )
  3. Defeat Khourlet’s Elite Guards
    ( )
  4. Defeat Grummalt’s Conscripts
    ( )
  5. Open the Door into Faraire’s Base
    ( More…)
  6. Locate General Faraire
    ( More…)
  7. Option :1 EVENT – Locate General Faraire
    1. Locate General Faraire
      ( More…)
    2. Defeat Faraire’s Bodyguards
      ( More…)
    3. Talk to General Faraire
      ( More…)
    4. Destroy the Siantide Droids
      ( More…)
    5. Speak to General Faraire
      ( More…)
    6. Use Your Ship’s Holoterminal
      ( More…)
key facts
Level: 35
Difficulty: Hard
Category: Sith Warrior, Class, Imperial, Taris, Taris Imperial
Planet: Taris
Experience Points: +10514


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