Level: Required Level:

Gang Warfare

Browse Database Quest List
An ex-gangster named Lew Brell needs your help preventing his brother Cam from following in his footsteps. Lew has asked you to convince his old friend Rex Geer, the leader of Nem’ro’s street gang, to let Cam leave the gang.

Talk to Rex inside the gang’s hideout in Jiguuna.

  1. Speak to Rex Geer
  2. Speak to Rex Geer
    ( More …)
  3. Speak to Rex Geer

Option :1 Chose to bring Cam Brell home

  1. Speak to Lew Brell
    ( More…)

Option :2 Chose to let Cam Brell be taken

  1. Speak to Lew Brell
    ( More…)
Ends at:

Lew Brell

key facts
Level: 1
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Hutta, World
Planet: Hutta
Starting NPC: Lew Brell
Ending NPC: Lew Brell
Experience Points: +180
Light Side Points: 50
Dark Side Points: 50
Items:Items – class specific
These items are awarded based on your character’s class. You get only the one appropriate for your class
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