Level: Required Level:

Dark Meeting

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Your assignment is to expose and eliminate a violent dissident movement on Dromund Kaas.

After obtaining a major lead, however, you were ordered to cease operations and meet privately with Darth Jadus–the Dark Council member overseeing Intelligence operations. You must return to the Citadel in Kaas City, and meet with Darth Jadus in his chambers inside the Sith Sanctum.

  1. Meet with Darth Jadus
    ( More …)
  2. Speak to Darth Jadus
    ( More …)

Option :1 Player Chooses to Submit to Darth Jadus

  1. Meet with Darth Jadus
  2. Use Your Personal Holocom
    ( More…)

Option :2 Player Chooses to Defy Darth Jadus

  1. Meet with Darth Jadus
  2. Use Your Personal Holocom
    ( More…)
key facts
Level: 12
Difficulty: Easy
Category: Imperial Agent, Class, Dromund Kaas
Planet: Dromund Kaas
Experience Points: +922.5


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