Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi.
- Defeat Republic Forces (0/8)
Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi. To draw the Jedi out, you must first defeat their allies at the Republic forward camp in the Brell Sediment.More …)
- Defeat and Loot Republic Watch Commander (0/1)
Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi. The Jedi remain in hiding despite your strike against the Republic forward camp in the Brell Sediment. To force the Jedi to show themselves, defeat a Republic watch commander at their camp and claim his Jedi distress code.More …)
- Activate Distress Beacon
Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi. You have recovered the distress code you need to lure the Jedi from hiding. Now activate the distress beacon at the Republic forward camp in the Brell Sediment.More …)
- Defeat Jedi Response Team
Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi. You have activated a distress beacon to lure the Jedi response team to the Republic forward camp in the Brell Sediment. Destroy them.More …)
- Return to Lord Ryvus
Jedi are training Tarisian settlers to form a militia and defend themselves against the Empire. Lord Ryvus has tasked you with destroying these Jedi. You have defeated the Jedi and crippled the Tarisian militia they sought to build. Return to the Bomber Command Post in the Brell Sediment and inform Lord Ryvus of their defeat.More …)