Arm Yourself
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Overseer Tremel has brought you to the Sith Academy on Korriban to begin your trials ahead of schedule.
Your first mission is to acquire a blade more appropriate to your destiny–an ancient Sith warblade from the armory of the tomb of Ajunta Pall.
Your first mission is to acquire a blade more appropriate to your destiny–an ancient Sith warblade from the armory of the tomb of Ajunta Pall.
- Explore the Armory( More …)
- Retrieve the Sith Warblade( More …)
- Exit the Armory( More …)Note:
You will get attacked by Ancient droids as soon as you receive the Sith Warblade. - Report to Overseer Tremel’s New Location in the Sith Academy( More …)
- Speak to Vemrin( More …)Note:
On your way to Overseer Tremel you are automatically stopped by Vemrin. There is one dark side choice in the conversation. - Report to Overseer Tremel’s New Location in the Sith Academy( More …)
key facts
Level: 1
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Sith Warrior, Korriban, Class
Planet: Korriban
Starting NPC: Overseer Tremel
Ending NPC: Overseer Tremel
Light Side Points: 50
Dark Side Points: 100
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Sith Warrior, Korriban, Class
Planet: Korriban
Starting NPC: Overseer Tremel
Ending NPC: Overseer Tremel
Experience Points: +180Light Side Points: 50
Dark Side Points: 100