Level: Required Level:

Combat Leadership: Mark V

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Liam Dentiri instructs the many Padawans on Tython in physical combat. He has preprogrammed several combat scenarios to test your skills and abilities in battle and has offered you a chance to prove yourself.

You have successfully completed four scenarios, and Liam believes you are ready for the final test. Find one of the training consoles around the Jedi Temple courtyard, activate it, and complete the training scenario.

  1. Activate and Destroy Mark V Training Droids
    ( More …)
  2. Return to Liam Dentiri
    ( More …)
Ends at:

Liam Dentiri

key facts
Level: 8
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Tython, World
Planet: Tython
Starting NPC: Liam Dentiri
Ending NPC: Liam Dentiri
Experience Points: +1575
Items:Items – class specific
These items are awarded based on your character’s class. You get only the one appropriate for your class
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