Item Database

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Tip: Click on the Equip link in the table bellow to "Equip" that item into the "Your Equipment" window.
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1 2 3 ...62 63 64 65 66 67 ...125 126 127
Icon Item name Level Req. Lvl Slot Type Actions
Deathwarden's Boots3737FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Deathwarden's Gloves3737HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Deathwarden's Greaves3737LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Deathwarden's Headgear3737HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Paragon's Armguards3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Paragon's Boots3736FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Paragon's Greaves3736LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Vindicator's Armguards3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Vindicator's Boots3736FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
Elder Vindicator's Greaves3736LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Greaves of Unfettered Assault3737LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
Handgear of Unfettered Assault3737HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Headgear of Unfettered Assault3737HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Inertial Dominion Armguards3735WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Jedi Myrmidon's Chestguard3736ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Kinetic Exoskeleton Bracers3735WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Liberator's Vambraces3736WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Powered Bastion Bracers3735WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Powered Med-Tech Bracers3735WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Ranger Assault Vambraces3735WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Belt3737WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Boots3737FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Chestguard3737ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Gauntlets3737HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Greaves3737LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Helmet3737HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Centurion Vambraces3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Belt3737WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Boots3737FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Chestguard3737ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Gauntlets3737HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Greaves3737LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Helmet3737HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15A Hawk Vambraces3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15B Commando Boots3736FeetHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15B Commando Greaves3736LegsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-15B Commando Vambraces3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-17A Hellfire Body Armor3736ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
RD-17A Phalanx Jacket3736ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Reinforced Titanium Belt37WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Reinforced Titanium Handgear37HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Reinforced Titanium Headgear37HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Resilient Titanium Belt37WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Resilient Titanium Gloves37HandsHeavy ArmorEquip
Resilient Titanium Headgear37HeadHeavy ArmorEquip
Shieldwall Bracers3736WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Sith Archon's Chestguard3736ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
Sith Warden's Armguards3737WristsHeavy ArmorEquip
Sith Warden's Belt3737WaistHeavy ArmorEquip
Sith Warden's Body Armor3737ChestHeavy ArmorEquip
1 2 3 ...62 63 64 65 66 67 ...125 126 127


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