The latest SWTOR PTS Patch Notes bring out several changes regarding classes and combat, crew skills, flashpoints and operations. Changes and updates from Patch 1.7.2 have been integrated into this PTS Update.
- The Kaas City Central Taxi is now connected to the Kaas City Entrance Speeder.
- The new Ready Check feature is now available!
Classes and Combat
General- Increased amount of critical chance given per point of primary attribute (Aim, Cunning, Strength, Willpower).
- Increased amount of critical chance given per point of Critical rating.
- Reduced effectiveness of Absorb and Shield rating; as compensation, the base damage of Champion NPCs has also been reduced.
Jedi ConsularSageBalance (Sage)- The damage dealt by Rippling Force’s effect is no longer considered “periodic damage.” Damage dealt by this skill has been significantly increased. When Rippling Force deals damage, it restores 1 Force per point to the Consular.
ShadowInfiltration- Whirling Edge has been replaced with Potent Shadows. Force Potency has a 50% chance per point to build 3 Breaching Shadows. Additionally, exiting combat reduces the active cooldown of Force Potency by 30 seconds per point.
Balance (Shadow)- The damage dealt by Rippling Force’s effect is no longer considered “periodic damage.” Damage dealt by this skill has been significantly increased. When Rippling Force deals damage, it restores 1 Force per point to the Consular.
Sith InquisitorSith SorcererMadness (Sorcerer)- The damage dealt Lightning Burns is no longer considered “periodic damage.” Damage dealt by this skill has been significantly increased. When Lightning Burns deals damage, it restores 1 Force per point to the Inquisitor.
Sith AssassinDeception- Whirling Edge has been replaced with Electric Ambush. Recklessness has a 50% chance per point to build 3 Static Charges. Additionally, exiting combat reduces the active cooldown of Recklessness by 30 seconds per point.
Madness (Assassin)- The damage dealt Lightning Burns is no longer considered “periodic damage.” Damage dealt by this skill has been significantly increased. When Lightning Burns deals damage, it restores 1 Force per point to the Inquisitor.
SmugglerScoundrelSawbones- Medpac Mastery now additionally able to trigger from healing ticks from Kolto Pack and Kolto Cloud.
Imperial AgentOperativeMedicine- Medical Engineering is now additionally able to trigger from healing ticks from Kolto Infusion and Recuperative Nanotech.
- Kolto Probe visual effects will now remain around the target for full duration.
TrooperGeneral- The proc rate for Plasma Cell is now 25% (up from 10%), and the damage it deals has been rebalanced.
Vanguard- High Energy Cell now increases all internal and elemental damage dealt by 5% (down from 8%).Tactics
- Combat Tactics has been redesigned: While High Energy Cell is active, damage dealt by Stockstrike makes the next High Impact Bolt an automatic critical hit. The Vanguard skill tree has been rearranged, making Combat Tactics require Cell Generator instead of Serrated Blades.
- Charged Loaders no longer increases ranged critical chance.
- Blaster Augs now further improves the internal and elemental damage done while High Energy Cell is active by 1% (down from 3%).
- Havoc Training now increases Gut critical damage, but no longer increases Ion Pulse critical damage.
Assault Specialist (Vanguard)- Assault Plastique has been redesigned. The Trooper now throws a moldable plastic explosive that sticks to the target and detonates after several seconds, exploding for kinetic damage and burning the target for elemental damage over 12 seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the explosive attaches and are knocked down when it explodes.
- Assault Trooper (Vanguard) no longer increases the critical damage done by Charged Bolts, but now increases the critical damage done by Ion Pulse.
- Rain of Fire (Vanguard) no longer increases Full Auto damage to burning targets.
Commando- Kolto Bomb will now heal for as much as Kolto Missile. Previously they were not mirrored exactly.Assault Specialist (Commando)
- Assault Plastique has been redesigned: The Trooper now throws a moldable plastic explosive that sticks to the target and detonates after several seconds, exploding for kinetic damage and burning the target for elemental damage over 12 seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the explosive attaches and are knocked down when it explodes.
- Hyper Barrels now also increases the damage of Assault Plastique.
Bounty HunterGeneral- The proc rate for Combustible Gas Cylinder is now 25% (up from 10%), and the damage it deals has been rebalanced.
Powertech- High Energy Gas Cylinder now increases all internal and elemental damage dealt by 5% (down from 8%).Advanced Prototype
- Charged Gauntlets has been redesigned. While High Energy Gas Cylinder is active, damage dealt by Rocket Punch makes the next Rail Shot an automatic critical hit. The Powertech skill tree has been rearranged, making Charged Gauntlets require Prototype Cylinder Ventilation instead of Serrated Blades
- Power Loaders no longer increases ranged critical chance.
- Prototype Cylinders now further improves the internal and elemental damage done while High Energy Gas Cylinder is active by 1% (down from 3%).
- Prototype Weapon Systems now increases Retractable Blade critical damage, but no longer increases Flame Burst critical damage.
Pyrotech (Powertech)- Thermal Detonator has been redesigned. The Bounty Hunter now hurls a thermal detonator that adheres to the target and detonates after several seconds, exploding for kinetic damage and burning the target for elemental damage over 12 seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the explosive attaches and are knocked down when it explodes.
- Firebug (Powertech) no longer increases the critical damage done by Power Shot, but now increases the critical damage done by Flame Burst.
- Rain of Fire (Powertech) no longer increases Unload damage to burning targets.
MercenaryPyrotech (Mercenary)- Thermal Detonator has been redesigned: The Bounty Hunter now hurls a thermal detonator that adheres to the target and detonates after several seconds, exploding for kinetic damage and burning the target for elemental damage over 12 seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a state of panic when the explosive attaches and are knocked down when it explodes.
- Power Barrels now also increases the damage of Thermal Detonator.
Companion Characters
- Corrected an issue preventing some Companion Characters from using certain abilities, such as HK-51’s “Assassinate” ability.
Crew Skills
General- Advanced Investigation now has the correct name.
Crafting Skills- The Achaeology crafting mission “Swords of Atrisia” now has a yield description.
- Augmentation kit MK-7 now requires Augmentation Slot Component MK-7 to craft.
- Augmentation kit MK-8 now requires Augmentation Slot Component MK-8 to craft.
- Augmentation kit MK-9 now requires Augmentation Slot Component MK-9 to craft.
- Augmentation kit MK-10 is no longer in the game.
- All crafted Arkanian Earpiecs and Implants are now Artifact Quality.Reverse Engineering
- Adjusted Reverse Engineering requirements of post-400 skill items so that no schematic requires more skill to reverse engineer then it does to make.
- Synthweaving now allows players to w Revese Engineer Arkanian gear to learn the schematic.
- Augmentation Slot Component MK-7 and MK-8 are now obtained by Reverse Engineering level 52 crafted items.
- Augmentation Slot Component MK-9 is now obtained by Reverse Engineering level 54+ crafted items.
- Artifice now allows players to Reverse Engineer the following color crystals:
- Advanced Purple Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Cyan Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Black-Red Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Black-Blue Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Black-Blue Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Black-Red Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Cyan Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Purple Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Black-Blue Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Black-Red Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Cyan Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Purple Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Black-Orange Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Black-Purple Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Black-Orange Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Black-Purple Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Black-Orange Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Black-Purple Hawkeye Crystal
Flashpoints and Operations
FlashpointsGeneral- Adjusted drops from Level 55 boss encounters. Dropped gear will now be based on the group’s Classes, and bosses will not drop gear for non-participating classes in the Flashpoint.
- Final encounters for Hard Mode Athiss, Hammerstation, and Mandalorian Raiders will now have a 50% chance to drop an Exotic Prototype crafting material.
Cademimu- Officer Xander will now activate EN-4C in Story Mode.
- The Separatist Sith bonus boss can no longer be dragged to the medcenter spawn point.
Mandalorian Raiders- Players will now correctly receive an Achievement for killing Marax Varad in Hard Mode.
OperationsScum & Villainy- Made serveral adjustments to the encounter with Thrasher in 8 and 16-Player Hard Modes:
- Health Buff will no longer spawn.
- Snipers and Rocket Soldiers are now immune to crowd control.
- Firebugs will now spawn more often.
- Increased Thrasher’s health.
- Conqueror Sniper Rifles will no longer cause an “Invalid Currency” error when attempting to purchase them.
- Added new Black Market and Verpine Offhand weapons! These new items drop in Flashpoints and Operations as well as from the Elite and Ultimate Commendations Vendors.
- All craftable level 55 Artifact quality offhands, belts, and bracers sold by the Basic Commendations Vendor can no longer be modified.
- Certain modifiable Companion Character weapons will no longer come without a color crystal.
- The rating for the Black Market Targeter’s Offhand Blaster has been reduced from 168 to 162.
- Arkanian and Underworld Tokens now tell players to visit the gear vendor in the Supply Section of the Fleet, instead of the Arkanian or Underworld vendors.
- The following items have had their Accuracy stat removed and replaced with Shield rating:
- Black Market Bulwark’s MK-1 Body Armor
- Black Market Demolisher’s MK-1 Body Armor
- Black Market Duelist’s MK-1 Robe
- Verpine Duelist’s MK-1 Robe
- Verpine Bulwark’s MK-1 Body Armor
- Verpine Demolisher’s MK-1 Body Armor
- Arkanian Survivor’s Boots
- Arkanian War Leader’s Boots
- Arkanian Supercommando’s Boots
- Underworld Survivor’s Boots
- Underworld War Leader’s Boots
- Underworld Supercommando’s Boots
- “Achievement: Epic Enemies – Survived…” is no longer granted as a Codex entry. This is now only granted as an Achievement.
- All characters in a Legacy now have access to Legacy Titles obtained by completing Achievements.
- Achievements will now properly update when applicable enemies are defeated on Coruscant.
- Achievement counters will now work correctly for Ancient Hypergate and Voidstar kill Achievements.
- The description for the Achievement “Nar Shaddaa Eradication” will now reflect the correct kill count.
- A scrollbar should now appear for long reputation descriptions in the Legacy Reputation Window.
Missions and NPCs
Missions- Legions of Scum and Villainy: Added missing light side and dark side points to this Imperial mission.
NPCs- Reduced the damage for all Champion NPCs to compensate for reducing the effectiveness of Absorb and Shield ratings.
- Area labels now show up on the Fleet and all other maps where appropriate.