Gamescom 2012 Tawn Faun Giveaway |
As you may know we are visiting the biggest European gaming convention Gamescom and Star Wars: The Old Republic is here as well. We did interviews and shot video footage of the new content, but we also made sure we do something special for our visitors and supporters. That is why we obtained 5 Tawn Faun mini-pet unlock codes for the lucky winners to obtain. To enter the giveaway you need to follow either one of our SWTOR twitter accounts or like our Facebook page, or if you already did that in the past you can leave a comment bellow and you will also be eligible to win. Please one entry per person and do not click “I did this” button in the widget bellow if you did not do the required action because we will be cross checking before the winners are announced. Good luck and have fun!a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks guys!
Sweet. I love little useless pets. The Star Wars ones are the best IMO.
I’m ALWAYS up for a new pet! I have fun collecting them, and the Tawn faun is my “White Whale”
Wooo Tawn Fuan
Yes, another tauntaun!
“Hey Inigo… I hope we win.”
Hope I get it! You guys are great ::)
Sweet! Good luck to all.
nicely done
Thanks for the pet!
Thank you, may the force be with you
what if i accidently used my SWTOR e-mail, here or somewhere else?
Go on guys, keep up the good work, hope i can win one code *fingerscrossed*
Awesome would love one to add to my collection.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Thanks for the opportunity at another pet!
give me the pet
need vanity pet 🙂
Woot woot!
Sweet, a chance to complete my set of tauntaun pets.
Thanks guys!
Hurray! More new pets… Thanks for the great work on this site. It rocks!
So many pets, so little time. ^_^
I hope I Win 🙂
I love the pets in this game, here’s hoping I win one
Sweet, I’m glad more are being given out.
pick me pick me!
C’mon Tawn Faun!
Great giveaway!
Hope I get it!
Hope I win. 🙂
Great website ! Thanks for everything you’re doing guys ! 🙂
Hey, that’s really nice that you give people a chance to get Tawn Faun. BTW you’re doing great job guys!
Entry done ! 😀
Thanks for all the work you do, you’re one of my main resources for SW:ToR info. And thanks for the opportunity to get another tauntaun pet.