SWTOR 2.6 Patch Notes Galactic Starfighter

SWTOR Patch Notes 2.6 Game Update: Galactic Starfighter brings new Tactical Flashpoint Kuat Drive Yards, New Galactic Starfighter Ship Role: Bomber, New Reputations and much more.


Galactic Starfighter Now Available For All Players! – Galactic Starfighter is now available for Free-To-Play, Preferred, and Subscription players! Choose your ship role and help your fellow pilots in 12 vs.12 Battles. Click the Hangar icon next to your minimap to jump into the cockpit now!

New Galactic Starfighter Ship Role: Bomber – The Bomber ship role has been added to Galactic Starfighter, with six new ships available for unlock/purchase!

  • Bombers are tough support ships that drop mines and drones throughout the battlefield.
  • Mines detonate when enemies get into proximity, inflicting damage or crippling debuffs to all nearby foes.
  • Drones attack nearby enemies with a variety of weapons, while Repair Drones restore the hull of nearby allies.
  • Bombers can also place Hyperspace Beacons which function as mobile respawn points for their allies.
New Galactic Starfighter Game Mode: Team Deathmatch – Team Deathmatch is a new game mode which pits teams of players against each other. The team with the highest player kill score when either time expires or the score limit is reached wins the match. Team Deathmatch maps also contain a new feature: Power-ups.

Power–ups are spawned in the map at the start of a match, and once picked up will respawn at a random point in an area after a random amount of time. Power–ups provide boosts to the player depending on which is picked up, which currently last 45 seconds. The available Power-ups are as follows:

  • Engine Overcharge – Doubles engine power regen rate, increases ship speed by 30%, increases ship defense by 15%, refills engine power to full on pickup.
  • Weapon Overcharge – Doubles blaster power regen rate, refills blaster power to full on pickup.
  • Shield Overcharge– Doubles shield power regen rate, eliminates shield recently consumed regen delay, refills shields to full on pickup.
  • Damage Overcharge– Doubles damage from all primary and secondary non–drone weapons.
All power–ups are indicated on the minimap. The Damage Overcharge power–up is a rare spawn, however there is typically at least one up on the map at any point in time. Players that grab this power–up are identified to all players via a broadcast message and are indicated on the minimap.

New Flashpoint: Kuat Drive Yards – Both factions are interested in securing a formidable space armada and fighting over one of the largest starship construction sites. This Flashpoint is designed to be modular, with each “scenario” representing a different part of the expanding plot. This is also the first “tactical” flashpoint, providing bolstered and role-neutral gameplay, and is available to players starting at level 15.

New Reputations have been added to the Galactic Reputation page:

  • Republic First Fleet – The Republic First Fleet serves as a beacon of hope across the galaxy, protecting the Galactic Republic’s member worlds and corporate partners from the dark designs of the Sith Empire.
  • Imperial Forward Command – The Imperial Forward Command is focused on high-risk offensive strikes against the Galactic Republic and its allies, making it one of the Empire’s deadliest fleets.

New Starfighter Pack coming to the Cartel Market – The Galactic Ace’s Starfighter Pack will be available for purchase on February 11th. Cost: 320 Cartel Coins


  • New Mount: The KDY Orbital Lifter! This personal heavy construction vehicle was specially designed by Kuat Drive Yards for orbital engineering work deemed too delicate to be automated. It requires Legend rank with the new Imperial Forward Command / Republic First Fleet reputation.
  • A new category is available in Group Finder starting at level 15: Tactical Flashpoints. Tactical Flashpoints are role-neutral, meaning group finder will match the first four players it finds. The new Kuat Drive Yards Flashpoint is available in this category in two level brackets: 15-54 and 55. Czerka Corporate Labs and Czerka Core Meltdown are now included in this category at level 55.
  • Dread Forces in Oricon are more distracted by the madness of the Dread Masters, reducing the range of their attention.
  • Bolster now properly modifies the aggro radius of enemy NPCs and properly displays the difficulty color of enemy NPC levels.
  • Group Finder now displays the level range of players it will match for Flashpoints and Operations.
  • Players may now queue for Starfighter Battles at the same time as Warzones.

Cartel Market

New Items

  • The Galactic Ace’s Starfighter Pack will be available on February 11th. Cost: 320 Cartel Coins
  • Hypercrates containing 24 Galactic Ace’s Starfighter Packs will be available on February 11th. (Discounted by 10% for a limited time!) Cost: 6,912 Cartel Coins
  • The Galactic Ace’s Starfighter Pack items can now be previewed in Collections.

Classes and Combat

Bounty Hunter


Advanced Prototype

  • Prototype Flame Thrower now requires High Energy Gas Cylinder to be active.



  • Mercenaries with the Combat Support Cylinder loaded will now be able to use Rapid Shots to heal themselves.

  • Stabilizers now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Tracer Missile and Power Shot by 50/100% (up from 35/70%)

  • Kolto Shell may now be deployed on more than one target at a time, but a target still may not have more than one active Kolto Shell. Additionally, Kolto Shell now generates 10 heat (down from 16), has 6 charges (down from 10), lasts up to 3 minutes (down from 5), and heals for slightly more per charge.
  • The tooltip for the Bodyguard skill has been updated to indicate that it also reduces the rate limit of Peacekeeper, and the Bodyguard skill now requires Kolto Shell instead of Peacekeeper.
  • Peacekeeper has been moved from tier 6 down to tier 5 in the Bodyguard skill tree.
  • Cure Mind has been moved from tier 5 down to tier 4 in the Bodyguard skill tree.
  • Protective Field has been moved from tier 4 up to tier 6 in the Bodyguard skill tree.




  • Pulse Generator now requires High Energy Cell to be active.



  • Commandos with Combat Support Cell loaded will now be able to use Hammer Shot to heal themselves.

  • Steadied Aim now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Grav Round and Charged Bolts by 50/100% (up from 35/70%)
Combat Medic

  • Trauma Probe may now be deployed on more than one target at a time, but a target still may not have more than one active Trauma Probe. Additionally, Trauma Probe now costs 10 energy cells (down from 16), has 6 charges (down from 10), lasts up to 3 minutes (down from 5), and heals for slightly more per charge.
  • The tooltip for Probe Medic has been updated to indicate that it also reduces the rate limit of Frontline Medic, and Probe Medic now requires Trauma Probe instead of Frontline Medic.
  • Frontline Medic has been moved from tier 6 down to tier 5 in the Combat Medic skill tree.
  • Psych Aid has been moved from tier 5 down to tier 4 in the Combat Medic skill tree.
  • Med Zone has been moved from tier 4 up to tier 6 in the Combat Medic skill tree.

Sith Warrior



  • Slightly increased the damage dealt by Shatter.
  • Shatter now deals Internal Damage instead of Elemental Damage, as the tooltip indicates.
  • Rampage has been redesigned: Impale and Shatter have a 33.3/66.7/100% chance to produce a stack of Rampage. At 2 stacks, Rampage finishes the cooldown on Ravage and generates 3 Rage.

Jedi Knight

Jedi Guardian


  • Slightly increased the damage dealt by Plasma Brand.
  • Zen Strike has been redesigned: Overhead Slash and Plasma Brand have a 33.3/66.7/100% chance to produce a stack of Zen Strike. At 2 stacks, Zen Strike finishes the cooldown on Master Strike and generates 3 Focus.

Sith Inquisitor



  • Subversion now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Lightning Strike by 50/100% (up from 35/70%). The rest of the benefits provided by Subversion remain unchanged.

  • Sith Efficacy now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Force Lightning by 33.3/66.7/100% (up from 25/50/75%). The rest of the benefits provided by Sith Efficacy remain unchanged.

Jedi Consular



  • Concentration now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Disturbance by 50/100% (up from 35/70%). The rest of the benefits provided by Concentration remain unchanged.

  • Psychic Barrier now reduces the pushback suffered while activating Telekinetic Throw by 33.3/66.7/100% (up from 25/50/75%). The rest of the benefits provided by Psychic Barrier remain unchanged.

Imperial Agent


  • Reduced the activation time, cooldown, energy cost, and damage done by Orbital Strike.



  • Lowered the cost of Hidden Strike to 15 energy (down from 17 energy), increased its cooldown to 9 seconds (up from 7.5 seconds), and increased the damage it deals
  • Increased the duration of Tactical Advantage by 5 seconds (now 15, up from 10)

  • Surgical Strikes now increases the damage dealt by Shiv, Overload Shot, and Backstab by 5% (up from 4%)
  • Collateral Strike now has a 50/100% chance to trigger when Laceration is used (up from 35/70%)
  • Culling now increases the damage dealt by Laceration and Collateral Strike by 3/6% (up from 2/4%) and recovers 4/8 energy whenever Collateral Strike damages an enemy target (down from 5/10)
  • Waylay now increases the damage dealt by Backstab by 5% (up from 4%)
  • Meticulously Kept Blades now additionally increases the critical damage dealt by Laceration by 10/20/30%, but no longer increases the critical damage dealt by Sever Tendon
  • Calculated Frenzy no longer increases alacrity when triggered, but now increases ranged and tech critical chance by 2/4/6% instead

  • Corrosive Microbes is now a single-point skill (down from 2) but still increases the chance for Corrosive Dart to tick twice when it deals damage by 25%
  • Lethal Injectors is now a 2-point skill (up from 1), but each point still increases the duration of Corrosive Dart by 3 seconds (so 2 points in the skill now increase the duration of Corrosive Dart by a total of 6 seconds, granting 2 additional ticks of damage)



  • Corrosive Microbes is now a single-point skill (down from 2) but still increases the chance for Corrosive Dart to tick twice when it deals damage by 25%
  • Lethal Injectors is now a 2-point skill (up from 1), but each point still increases the duration of Corrosive Dart by 3 seconds (so 2 points in the skill now increase the duration of Corrosive Dart by a total of 6 seconds, granting 2 additional ticks of damage)



  • Reduced the activation time, cooldown, energy cost, and damage done by XS Freighter Flyby.



  • Lowered the cost of Shoot First to 15 energy (down from 17 energy), increased its cooldown to 9 seconds (up from 7.5 seconds), and increased the damage it deals
  • Increased the duration of Upper Hand by 5 seconds (now 15, up from 10)



  • Scrappy now increases the damage dealt by Blaster Whip, Quick Shot, and Back Blast by 5% (up from 4%)
  • Flying Fists now has a 50/100% chance to trigger when Sucker Punch is used (up from 35/70%)
  • Turn the Tables now increases the damage dealt by Sucker Punch and Flying Fists by 3/6% (up from 2/4%) and recovers 4/8 energy whenever Flying Fists damages an enemy target (down from 5/10)
  • Sawed Off now increases the damage dealt by Back Blast by 5% (up from 4%)
  • Underdog now additionally increases the critical damage dealt by Sucker Punch by 10/20/30%, but no longer increases the critical damage dealt by Tendon Blast
  • Rolling Punches no longer increases alacrity when triggered, but now increases ranged and tech critical chance by 2/4/6% instead
Dirty Fighting

  • Mortal Wound is now a single-point skill (down from 2) but still increases the chance for Vital Shot to tick twice when it deals damage by 25%
  • Open Wound is now a 2-point skill (up from 1), but each point still increases the duration of Vital Shot by 3 seconds (so 2 points in the skill now increase the duration of Vital Shot by a total of 6 seconds, granting 2 additional ticks of damage)


Dirty Fighting

  • Mortal Wound is now a single-point skill (down from 2) but still increases the chance for Vital Shot to tick twice when it deals damage by 25%
  • Open Wound is now a 2-point skill (up from 1), but each point still increases the duration of Vital Shot by 3 seconds (so 2 points in the skill now increase the duration of Vital Shot by a total of 6 seconds, granting 2 additional ticks of damage)

Galactic Starfighter


  • New Feature: Battle Record – Your personal Galactic Starfighter Battle Record can now be accessed via a button in the upper right corner of the Hangar. Features include detailed lifetime battle stats, and the ability to link each stat to chat.
  • New Feature: Detailed Scoreboard –Galactic Starfighter’s scoreboard will now feature new tabs containing information on:
    • Performance – Track stats including kills, deaths, damaged dealt/received, hit %, objective captures, and more!
    • Earning – A detailed breakdown of the Requisition you’ve earned during a battle and how it was earned.
  • Starfighter Battles no longer lower durability of player equipment.
  • A new non-contributor system has been added, replacing our previous AFK system. You may now initiate a kick against non-contributing players via the Map screen.
  • Addressed an issue where low population checks happened prior to initial spawn, which caused some Battles to fail to start successfully.
  • The new Starfighter Launch Deck floor on the Fleet can be accessed from the Mission Departures elevator.
  • Typing “/squad” will allow you to chat with players in your Squad and/or Group.
  • Quick Look functionality has been added. Players may use their keyboard’s number pad to quickly shift their camera’s view without affecting ship movement.
  • Players who only inflict shield damage to a target now receive appropriate Requisition for the assist when the target is destroyed.
  • Targeted enemies are now highlighted on the Map and Minimap screens.
  • Queuing for Galactic Starfighter battles no longer blocks character changes.
  • If you have an enemy selected it will now show their target’s name in the Targeting Computer.
  • Debuffs can no longer be applied to targets after their death.
  • A confirmation dialog has been added before travelling to the tutorial level.
  • Combat HUD tutorial information on Enemy and Objective Indicators has been expanded.
  • Combat Controls tutorial has been updated to feature targeted defense drones.
  • Added a tutorial for Galactic Starfighter Battle Type: Team Deathmatch.
  • Addressed an issue where tutorial notifications could not be properly dismissed.
  • Players will now be invulnerable to all hull damage while in the Galactic Starfighter tutorial.
  • Several forcefields have been removed from the Abandoned Shipyards level in Domination mode.
  • Team Deathmatch features new map layouts for the existing Lost Shipyards and Kuat Mesas environments.

Ships and Hangar

  • Gunships now get an additional 5 requisition for kills and assists where a secondary weapon is used to deal damage.
  • Putting power to weapons now boosts damage by 10% (down from 20%) and putting power to shields or engines now reduces weapon damage by 5% (down from 10%)
  • The dialog for new purchases within the Hangar has been enhanced to show the exact breakdown of Fleet and Ship Requisition to be used.
  • Auto Roll functionality has been added. Press “V” (by default) to rotate your Starfighter to the default orientation.
  • Selected ships can now be removed from the Readied Ships menu.

Components and Crew

  • A new EMP Missile secondary weapon is now available on the Pike/Quell Strike Fighter.
    • The EMP Missile is a counter to clustered enemies, mines and drones.
    • On impact, it emits a 3000m radius pulse which damages and disables mines and drones.
    • Any player ship caught in the blast will suffer minor damage, and render their system ability unusable.
  • A new EMP Field System is now available on the NovaDive/Blackbolt Scouts.

    • The EMP Field is a counter to clustered enemies, mines, and drones.
    • It emits a 3000m radius pulse around the scout which damage and disables mines and drones.
    • Any player ship caught in the blast will have their sensor range and blaster accuracy reduced, and their System Ability rendered unusable.
  • Directional Shield is now available on the Comet Breaker/Dustmaker and Premium Strongarm/Demolisher Gunships.
  • The “Increased Range” upgrade for Sabotage Probe, Cluster Missiles, Concussion Missiles, and Ion Missiles now features a 10% increase.
  • Thermite Torpedoes have had their range increased to 10000m
  • Ion Missiles have had their range increased to 7000m
  • Upgrades purchased for an individual drone no longer improperly affect other drone types.
  • Crew members now animate within the Hangar preview window.
  • Crew abilities “Running Interference” and “Wingman” have had their area of effect ranges increased from 1000m to 3000m.
  • Bowdaar no longer wears a hoodie within the Hangar.
  • Description for the “Rotational Thrusters” engine component has been changed to accurately show the range as 15,000m, not 150,000m.
  • The “Lockdown” Crew Ability may now only be fired on enemy players and no longer drones or defense turret.
  • Charged Plating now allows 40% of the damage done to it to bleed through to the hull, down from 50%. Its shield capacity has been lowered from 150% to 130%.
  • Interdiction Drive has had a balance pass, and its tooltip now details its effects:
    • Boosts player speed by 20% for 6 seconds
    • Reduces speed and turning rate of all enemies within 3000m by 10% for 6 seconds
  • Shield Piercing upgrades have been reduced in power, and weapons with native Shield Piercing have had their damage reduced slightly.
  • Bypass crew ability now grants 16% shield piercing to both primary and secondary weapons (down from 35%).
  • Evasion has been reduced in power:
    • Response Tuning and Lightweight Armor have had their passive evasion bonuses reduced by 1%
    • Distortion Field now grants 9% passive evasion, down from 15%, but has had its shield capacity increased from 70% to 80%
    • Distortion Field’s active ability now grants only 27% evasion, but has had its duration extended to 6 seconds. The tier 1 upgrade now grants 8% evasion, down from 10%.
  • Railgun weapons now require a minimum charge of 25% before firing.
  • Mines and drones no longer display the name of the player who deployed them, only their type.

Items and Economy

  • The 2-piece Field Tech’s PvP set bonus now increases the range of Distraction and Takedown or Quickdraw by 5 meters.
  • The 4-piece Field Tech’s PvP set bonus now increases the duration of Orbital Strike or XS Freighter Flyby by 3 seconds.


One Response to SWTOR 2.6 Patch Notes Galactic Starfighter

  1. Comment by Mark Shaver made on January 16, 2018 at 1:51 am
