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As part of your trials for the Order of Revan, Raymon has tasked you with meeting and gaining the approval of the Revanite inner circle.

Each member will present you with a test of knowledge. Should you fail, you will be given a test of strength. Your first contact is the beastmaster Morrun. Speak to Morrun in his camp in the upper wilds.

  1. Speak to Morrun
    ( More …)

Option :1 Answer Incorrectly

  1. Kill Vicious Vine Cats (0/3)
    ( More…)
  2. Return to Morrun
    ( More…)
  3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Beasts
    1. Speak to Ceta Farr
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
      1. Defeat Mandalorians (0/10)
        ( More…)
      2. Return to Ceta Farr
        ( More…)
      3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Mandalorians
        1. Speak to Major Pathel
          ( More…)
        2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
          1. Destroy the Security Droid Ambush
            ( More…)
          2. Return to Major Pathel
            ( More…)
          3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
            1. Return to Raymon
              ( More…)
            2. Speak to Dzoun
              ( More…)
          Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
          1. Return to Raymon
            ( More…)
          2. Speak to Dzoun
            ( More…)
      Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Mandalorians
      1. Speak to Major Pathel
        ( More…)
      2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
        1. Destroy the Security Droid Ambush
          ( More…)
        2. Return to Major Pathel
          ( More…)
        3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
          1. Return to Raymon
            ( More…)
          2. Speak to Dzoun
            ( More…)
        Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
        1. Return to Raymon
          ( More…)
        2. Speak to Dzoun
          ( More…)

Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Beasts

  1. Speak to Ceta Farr
    ( More…)
  2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
    1. Defeat Mandalorians (0/10)
      ( More…)
    2. Return to Ceta Farr
      ( More…)
    3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Mandalorians
      1. Speak to Major Pathel
        ( More…)
      2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
        1. Destroy the Security Droid Ambush
          ( More…)
        2. Return to Major Pathel
          ( More…)
        3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
          1. Return to Raymon
            ( More…)
          2. Speak to Dzoun
            ( More…)
        Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
        1. Return to Raymon
          ( More…)
        2. Speak to Dzoun
          ( More…)
    Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Defeated Mandalorians
    1. Speak to Major Pathel
      ( More…)
    2. Option :1 Answer Incorrectly
      1. Destroy the Security Droid Ambush
        ( More…)
      2. Return to Major Pathel
        ( More…)
      3. Option :1 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
        1. Return to Raymon
          ( More…)
        2. Speak to Dzoun
          ( More…)
      Option :2 Answer Correctly OR Destroyed Security Droids
      1. Return to Raymon
        ( More…)
      2. Speak to Dzoun
        ( More…)
key facts
Level: 14
Min Level: 6
Difficulty: Normal
Category: Dromund Kaas, World
Planet: Dromund Kaas
Starting NPC: Raymon
Experience Points: +2490


2 Responses to Pilgrimage

  1. Comment by Mimizuka made on March 26, 2012 at 8:49 pm

    Answering correctly, “to give him an edge” will result in -1 with Vette.

  2. Comment by Mimizuka made on March 26, 2012 at 9:06 pm

    It may not be clear, the correct answers are 1. gives an edge (-1 with Vette) 2. unearth history (+15 with Vette) 3. Guile.